Wow! Time sure flies. It's my last school day and I'll be taking maternity leave next week. However, it seems too to be the last of my days teaching in TJ for the meanwhile with a pending posting out to HQ after maternity leave. Kinda sad that the time spent here is so short. Had really great fun working with my friends here, stressful times and manageable days, had my share of joy and sorrows with the students, seen students with appreciative hearts and of coz those that take you as a passing phase in their lives. I must say this is a people place, still filled with the warmth of a family when I was a student and even now as I stand as a teacher. Definitely, gonna miss the short days in school when I get on to an office hour job.
Anyway, my dear gal is still playing the waiting game. Looks like today she's quieten down abit with less action. Is she engaged? Is she ready to face the world? Guess now it's the complete surrender to God of her timing and all. Simply trusting everyday, simply trusting all the way.
Shall just enjoy myself out tonight with my colleagues as we call for a celebration of the hardwork we all put in to groom our students here for the last year's A level performance. Oops...eating again...wonder how much weight I'll put on when I visit the gynae tomorrow...
Exploring Our Children’s Potentials
2 years ago