Hmm...Nonetheless with the time passing, Keziah has also been developing all her motor skills. Looking at her crawl, sit and stand with such skills, I can't help but feel so amazed with God's creation. Little do you know where she learns all the stuff that she does. Oh yes, she is gurgling alot and even playing alot with her saliva, making "grr grr" sounds and pronouncing "a" quite well. And yes, she is sleeping better too these nights. Mummy can finally have a bit more sleep but well, not sure how long this will last. Just today, she started to clap her hands. It seems too that she understood us when we said clap your hands. She was so fastinated with being able to do that as well. Will catch a shot of that soon.
Okiez...juz a quick update on our trip out to the zoo on Xmas Eve..

Cheeky little gal...

A fresh start of the day at the zoo..

Daddy and Keziah...

So happy to watch the animal show!

Mummy and Keziah and the KANGEROO...

HEY fishy fishy....

Feeling so hot and sweaty after a while.....don't I look as if the rain had just poured down over me?

The animals....heeheee...

Daddy, Mummy and me...well that's what happens when you get some stranger to take your picture...Never the best shot. Do you noticed the giraffe? picture outside the zoo before we left.
The day wasn't finished. Xmas Eve was certainly memorable. In the evening, we went to celebrate Lucas kor kor's birthday. There we met little Cheryl and her daddy and mummy and many others. Cheryl and Keziah certainly had a good time interacting. They were kissing and hugging each other at the end of the day but pity Mummy didn't have the camera on hand to catch the shot!