Time to do some record keeping which I haven't been diligently doing for a long time...
What can Keziah do now?
SpeechStill not much fantastic progress but at least few clear enounciation:
Apple = "ah-ba"
Banana = "ba"
Book = "bo"
Bear = "Bear"
Papa = "pa"
Mama = "ma" which she only says sometimes when you ask her to follow you to do so.
ShuShu = "shhh..."
Eat/Drink = "Mmmm" or "Muak muak"
Duck = "dot" occasionally
There are a few others but not quite clear but she is certainly starting to talk to herself some form of gibberish such as "pi-ta-pi-ta" which I could hardly make out.
Motor SkillsSigning quite a bit, indicating to us thank you, please, pray, sleep, car, bus, aeroplane, pain, milk, scare, tummy, fish, dog, bird, finished/no more, more more, cracker, wash hands/dirty, brush teeth, baby....(can't quite remember all). Haven't been letting her watch Baby Signing Times for awhile so there are some things she doesn't sign often.
Understands what we are saying by acknowledging with nods and shakes. Quite interesting that when we tell her not to do certain things, she will wave 'NO' with her hands but really putting the instructions to action is another thing.
Wave goodbye, hello, good night....Sending flying kisses as well..
Take a book and read on her own..but this last only for a moment. Her favourite now at bedtime is the Nursery Rythme Songs...
Stack blocks and break them down, especially her Mega Block Farm.
Tuck the little animals into the Farm and close the gates before bed.
Good at throwing and kicking balls and balloons around. Can even point out balloons in books.
Handing milk to Mommy after she's done with her bedtime feed.
Loves anything new, like the windmill that Daddy bought her just 2 days back. She was so fasinated when it spun in the wind.
Loves to run around and climb the stairs (on her own accord now).
Dance and sway to the music, clapping her hands at time to go with the rythme.
Simply playful
Teeth DevelopmentSo far, she has 4 upper and lower front teeth plus 1 lower left molar. Not sure when all of them came out coz definitely haven't been keeping track.