It's our first time on a road trip to Malaysia. Thanks to our friends, the Lians, for planning this wonderful trip and accomodating us on a ride with them. It's not just us two families but with 3 other families whom are friends of the Lians. Our nature trail to Kota Tinggi began at 4.30am with some last minute packing as well as to gently wake our dear princess up at 5am to be ready for pick at 5.30am. Thank God Keziah was good and got up without much fussing and for blessing us with good weather, sun and rain when we needed.

The girls still wide awake despite the early rising. Just look how sweet they are!

Nothing beats having a good breakfast of fishball noodles and Yong Tau Hu after an early wake after clearing the causeway with relatively insignificant jam. We realised how blessed we were only that night when we met another family at the firefly tour at 8pm after they told us they just arrived having left Singapore at 2pm.

Keziah seemed so grown up now, drinking milo just like any adult! heehee...

Our first stop, the Kota Tinggi Waterfall. The rocks were really slippery but the kids had fun splashing around though going near to the waterfall was a little intimidating for Keziah despite her being very excited to get change and follow Cheryl into the waters. As usual, she took awhile before she garnered enough courage to approach with Daddy.

Where is Daddy?

Having a massage at the waterfall while Uncle Chris kindly took care of Keziah. He sure knew how to enjoy.

All ready for the next part of the journey...

How can our nature trail be complete without an equally rustic living!

Lunch at Dengat Seafood Restaurant marked the beginning of our gourmet meals. Basically, it's seafood galore. Not fantastic to begin but definitely filled us up!
This trip was in part an educational trip! We visited the Crocodile and Ostrich Farms as well as the Fruit Farm.
Crocodile Farm

Just look at how huge these creatures are. The strength of their tail could easily knock the prey off and be caught in their jaws in a matter of seconds.

There was this little crocodile that had a hunchback. Apparent such born with deficiencies won't live a long life but the farm still keeps them till they reach their natural end.

We had the good opportunity to hold onto a small crocodile. This was how close we got. It was a quiet fellow that allowed us to pass him from one to another. All the little ones were so excited to get their hands on the croc while Keziah watched from afar. It was only when everyone was done and being proded by Mommy that she finally held it together with Mommy.
Fruit Farm

Well, we arrived but it the weather was too hot to go round the farm to visit. We were told actually the best season to comeby is August where there would be a greater variety of seasonal fruits. Nonetheless, we did get some fruits to quench our thirst.
After all these visits, it's time for dinner. Dinner at New Mui Tou Restaurant was so much better than lunch and a lot cheaper. Ok, we didn't order that much but the quality was better at half the price of lunch. Yes, we had crabs for dinner and ostrich meat (not in pic as we were all busy eating) as well!

Firefly Cruise

Not to be missed if you are at Kota Tinggi. We had a feast of our eyes, looking at bushes lit by these little creatures, just like the lighting on Xmas trees. It's an experience that can't be captured on screen. Not sure how much Keziah appreciated God's creation but Daddy and Mommy were definitely in awe for that 45 minute ride. We even got so close that it felt that we could reach out for it. Keziah was all too tired at the end of it that she simply knocked out for the night.
We had some rain in the night which brought about a refreshing morning. It was definitely a sight to wake up to see the mountains amidst the morning mist and a pretty rainbow from the rain.

Breakfast of toast and egg, not to mention nasi lemak since we were in Malaysia. The kids had fun time roaming around with their Daddies while the mommies caught up with each other.

It's swimming time after filling the tummies...

And that wasn't enough. We followed on to explore the stream by the back. Guess what, the kids were hunting for fish in the waters. That's just how close our kids got to nature in the kampong way.

Along our drive out to the Ostrich Farm, we stopped by to be as locals were to get some little snacks. These were real cheap, 8 pcs for RM$2, and good. On our return trip, we saw many cars stopping to buy these, that showed how good these were.
Next to the Ostrich Farm!

The largest bird in the world and its egg is equivalent to 30 chicken eggs! Just look how big the yolk was! These eggs were better than chicken, high in protein and low in chloestrol.

And amazingly, the egg shell is tougher than what we expected. It could take up to 100kg of weight, not cracking even under Daddy's weight.

We were fortunate to catch sight of a day old ostrich. The first few weeks of its life is fragile and they have to be kept away from rain and cold. Just how quick these birds grow!

How amazed Keziah was at the ostrichs! Yet, it's still good from far. Daddy managed to find her one of those feathers that dropped on the ground and it was so proud of it.

Some ostrich meat satay! Really tender meat!

Nothing beats wrapping up the trip with another sumptuous seafood meal. This time round at Good Luck Restaurant and we had mini lobsters and prawns. Yum Yum....