
Happy Birthday Keila!

Our first time to Kids Explorer @ Downtown East. The kids had a load of fun. Though it was Keziah's friend that was celebrating her birthday, Abel had as much fun if not more.
Just look at Abel enjoying the games planned by the host! Where was Keziah? Well most of the time in the playscape with another of her friend.
 The moment all kids were waiting for.

Keziah's Kindi concert

Today Keziah had her school concert and we're all there to give her our fullest support. This year the school put up a musical was about a little submarine named Roxy with his efforts to clean up the underwater seaworld.

Her class was acting as little stingray's. Some pictures taken by the professionals during their rehearsals. Just wished we were able to catch her in her full costume for the show.

They certainly spent efforts putting up the props and dressing the kids up. Ok poor video taken coz we were seated at the back and digital zoom just isn't the way to take videos. Nonetheless can you spot our gal?

2010 K's kindi concert from Joan on Vimeo.

Keziah and her classmates. Ain't they all look so cute! Somehow the girls are just so much taller than the boys.

Happy little ones...

Leisure time...

Yet again, our little Abel came up with new pieces of his creation. He even made a 'gun' from lego. Well guess it's a real boy, constantly piecing things together out of imagination.

Time off to the park. The kids had a walk at Kent Ridge Park with Daddy while Mommy went off to school for parent-tutor meeting. Just look at what they found! Mommy doesn't know what they are. Anyone can tell me what these interesting leave are? Pines?

Keziah's making progress

Keziah started out on music class 2 years back. She had always been reluctant to practice and not a fan of theory work which started to come in this year. Frankly, we just wanted her to appreciate music and we probably won't continue on the group class as the pace is a little beyond with kids more than half a year older than her. Nonetheless, we try to encourage to move on as much as she could and to instill some discipline and the need of efforts to do things. Recently, Mommy (a music iliterate who learns along with her) tries to be more consistent with her piano practice after we get home, rewarding her with stickers initially. On top of that, she also started to notice that some of her friends are also making leaps and bounds and moving ahead with playing more songs and songs she likes. Guess with routine and some peer influence, it's working on her. So now she would ask to play her favourite piece "The Guinea Pig" when we get home in the evening and some of other pieces to help in her sight reading. One thing, she's also hearing herself playing music and not just notes from the piano.

Keziah on piano from Joan on Vimeo.

Two little fish...

The kids started swimming for a month. These 2 little ones really loved water and we thought we better get them water safe. The other reason is also to create more opportunities for Daddy to exercise to keep fit. Keziah started real fast on breast stroke as she wasn't afraid of water and could literally keep her breathe under water. Abel is learning to paddle and kick well. Both of them now spend some time in the adult poo kicking away.

K's first ballet openhouse

Keziah had her first ballet openhouse where, together with her friends, they showed the parents what they had been learning in the class. Keziah clearly enjoyed her time at ballet. Being younger than the rest in class, she didn't fail to catch up with many though at times she does appear a little heavy. Her teacher also fedback that she's a strong dancer and it was just a matter of her honing her skills and mastering the right techniques.

The builder….

Abel our little builder…he's been really into playing with blocks and lego. He is one imaginative kid. This morning we caught him quietly in the playroom with his blocks.

Mom: What are you building?
Abel: House

Abel: I'm building a castle.
Mom: What are you doing now?
Abel: Spraying paint on my castle. Let it dry.

What Abel says…What Keziah says...

It has been really interesting listening to the kids recently. Simple laughter from the simplicity of child's point.

Abel has certainly gotten a better grasp of his language recently and Keziah's a lot more street smart with finding Mommy's hp on Ah Ma's phone. It could be also that the kids are just growing up so fast..

What Abel says…sometimes it just sounds so logical..
1) Sky was grey in the morning and Mr Sun didn't seem to shine in the sky. Mommy was about to leave the house for school.
A: It's going to rain.
M: Bye kids
A: Don't forget to bring umbrella (Oooooo….how sweet!)

2) Daddy was walking around with Abel while waiting for Keziah to be off class and they passed by a children's clothes store.
A: (saw a nice pants) Daddy, can you buy me pants?
D: Why?
A: Because my pants is dropping. (Logical little man! Haha…)

3) We've been telling Abel to eat more so that he can grow tall coz our little boy just doesn't eat as much as his dear sister. One day we heard this at dinner table..
A: I want to grow tall tall
D: Tell everyone why?
A: I want to ride motorbike (ok this is the toy ride at funan centre of which his feet can't reach)

4) Keziah is a fan of Ariel and so our little boy is totally immersed in it too. One thing about Abel, he will actually take books and sit down to flip the pages. One day after reading Ariel story, he asked...
A: Why is Ariel swimming away from the eels?
D: Because the eels are bad.
A: What is bad?
D: Bad is not nice.
A: Cannot eat?
To him not nice means food not nice to eat. Totally out of context!

5) While eating his corn on a cob last night, he sang this song to the tune of "I'm a little teapot".
"I'm a little rocket, I can fly
Here is my nose corn, here is my fins.
xxxxx (Mommy couldn't decipher what the words were), I can fly,
Off the launch pad to the moon"
Hmm…How imaginative. Have we read too much about space or he's just fascinated about rockets? Probably he's just learnt about letter R = red rocket. Didn't know he could make up his own song but most probably he might have learnt it in school. Found this on youtube

What Keziah says.. (ok she's been calling Mommy on hp so often and bugging for return)
1) Mommy was going to bring Keziah was extra music class and she wasn't back home yet.
K (on phone): Where are you? Why are you not back?
M: busy at work. Will be back soon.
K: Why? Why? Why?
M: Gotta put down the phone so that I can finish my work and come back soon.
K: You can hold your phone and talk to me with one hand and do work with another.

2) Before bed time, we had always been doing bedtime reading, i.e. Mommy reading to the kids and it had always been difficult to get Keziah to read on her own. Recently, Mommy bought a set of Usborne Phonics Readers collection.


Guess what, she wants to read Mommy a bedtime story. Initially Mommy thought was the initial night of new books but it seems like she's asking Mommy to choose her bedtime story every night. How nice that she can read to Mommy now! Well not entirely, she still needs help. At least she's willing though Mommy still has some way to go to get her blend her words rather than trying to read by sight.

Our little ballerina

It's been about 8 weeks of ballet lesson and our little girl has been ever so enthusiastic about it. Today, Mommy sat into the class for the first time after her trial and our little girl did her little bear dance movement.

Essentially, this dance movement told of a little girl who woke up, followed by brushing up and dressing up. She's off to pick up her bear, give it a cuddle and skipped off happily. Well done!

Ready for some seat work?

It has been sometime we have not sat down for activities. Tonight we decided to pull out some old books that had been lying around. Mommy thought we'll just review her phonics which she clearly showed that she could manage with simple 3-letter words. Meanwhile, to keep Abel occupied, Mommy pulled out a simple dot-to-dot for him. He gladly did it with great care in joining the lines in relative good order from 1-9 before he began his doddling. This was the first time Abel did this. Interesting, both of them hold the pencil the same way which Mommy found really difficult to correct as it's not the correct tripod way of gripping the pen. 

ABel's first concert performance

The school decided to have the kids back again for the performance which was put off due to the heavy downpour. This time they were definitely equipped for bad weather with tentage put up. Guess it's really not easy to get little ones to put on a show. Many were overwhelmed and crying. Our brave young man was cool as cucumber but was a little shocked with the crowd watching. Just look at his stunned looks.

Curtain call...

Home sweet home...

More of K's art pieces

Her pieces from the Week of Lantern Festival and guess who are the two? None else but her brother and her.

Crabs….Mommy crabs and baby crabs..

Musical Carousel

Sweet thoughts of Daddy to get his friend to get this muscial carousel for Mommy during their Hokkaido trip recently. Apparently, these musical boxes known as orgel is very famous over there.

More bead craft and Art

Keziah certainly has grown to love doing these bead craft recently. Another piece of her work. We are going to make a few more to piece together a mobile.

She completed a few pieces of drawing over the past few weeks of lessons but Mommy hasn't been keeping track. So here they are.

Busy Weekend

This Children's Day there was just so many things that were going on over the weekend. Ok, maybe it's only this year that Mommy noted more events going on. Esplande was having a whole series of programme lined up for kids, some for free, some payable. We joined Aunt Cheng and Sarah for a Dance appreciation: Sleeping Beauty. Well, the ballerinas were really good but the session was just too detailed and technical for kids to really appreciate it at such a young age of what true blue ballet is all about. Guess it wasn't the fairy airy princess story like that of a play which the kids were more familar with. Something more interactive and lighter might be good for these very young ones. Nonetheless, the gals were glad to have a pic with the ballerinas at the end of the show.

Next was a party at Polliwogs.