All smiles these 2 days. Baby Keziah has never been so good. Somehow it seems like I understand her better and of coz same of her to me. The sense of achievement of being able to put her to nap in the day, be it 30 mins or 1h, has never felt so good. She seems to be feeding more regularly and that probably means that my milk supply has more or less stabilise to meet her needs. Really thank God and certainly more prayers as this journey of motherhood progresses. Her responsive smiles has certainly caught the eyes of many, her interesting responses of cooing and babbling communicate her thoughts to people and things she sees, her lovely gaze has never been so much more alert. Of coz I would like her to take longer afternoon naps so that I can have more time for my own but what more can I ask for. Each day will get better. Babies are unpredictable at times and I am learning to take to the flow of things. This certainly makes life for enjoyable. thing I must learn is how to make her want to be carried less. She has somehow taken to enjoying being carried to look at things, carried when feeling sleepy, carried when grumpy. She has also yet to learn to settle into bed on her own (well the books says babies should be able to settle down on their own to bed). Do I really have to try cold turkey and let her cry to sleep? Hmm....
Started online shopping for some transition clothes which I can wear to nurse discretely outside. Have never been so enthusiastic about online shopping ever. Heehee...Juz received my new clothes today. Can't wait to try it on! Hope I will look good in them. Bought this nursing tea that is supposed to increase milk supply. I suppose everything is a trial. Well well, so all in all I spent $105. Gotta watch that I don't go overboard with shopping. Mothers must look good too! Haha...

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