Wow! Last night was really amazing. I set my gal to bed at about 9.10pm and was expecting her to be up at 4 or 5 am. Yet who knows she was only up at 5.50 am. She clocked almost 9hrs of sleep straight throught without waking up - or at least not to the extent that I knew she was crying in her usual super loud voice that would wake me up. She must have got drunk on my milk. I had wanted to express my milk at 3.15 am but thinking that she would be awake soon, I aborted the idea. Ended up morning I was so full and am certain that I gave her a super feed. Yet who knows she pooed as usual but refuse to return to bed there after. Guess the day started early. I must say she is now adopting some kind of routine in feeding but yet to learn to nap. I have started adopting the E.A.S.Y (Eat, Activity, Sleep, Your time) as written from the book though a little variation with the feeding time ranging 2-3h. Success in some way but I still haven't got much of my own time since she simply refuses to sleep and always gets overtired that she screams and gets plenty of wind that makes her scream in her shrill voice. Eating times are closer in the afternoon when she doesn't sleep well and fuss. Typically she catnaps and refuses to be put down in bed. The soothing cycle repeats itself. Tried the shh..shh...and pat method and got her to sleep while carrying her. Amazingly this evening about 6pm I carried her to sleep and thinking she will only sleep 30 min I simply just carried her (a no no if you want your baby to sleep independently). Put her down on the bed at 7.15 pm thinking she would wake up so that I could sponge her but who knows despite our noise, tickles and exercises, she simply refused to wake. No choice we had to resort to simply change her and sponge her half asleep. Yes, she fussed and screamed halfway. As usual I fed her after and she slept at 9 pm in her cot. Oh please don't give me a erratic night and get up in the wee hours to fuss.
Actually today being Saturday, my hubby is around to give me a hand. His presence just makes me feel so happy eventhough he's tired from the week's work. His big smile and his share of household chores make me feel rather comforted at times though I still get pissed and wonder why he gets so tired easily when handling baby Keziah. Heehee...had pasta for lunch and chicken pie for dinner today cooked by him. Still appreciated though I had to carry Keziah in one hand and eat with the other as she was fussing and struggling to find her way to dreamland.
Exploring Our Children’s Potentials
2 years ago
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