She is an attention seeker... always wanting people to talk to her. She's the center of attraction too.. with her big round eyes looking at you and listening and talking with you... it'll sure melt your hearts away.... She loves people to play with her too... and she's often spotted with her big wide smile on her face on good days. She's cranky on her bad days... but which babies don't cry when they're hungry... tired... or wet... that'a what babies do... EAT, SLEEP and CRY.... now that we are acustomed to her habits, we can roughly tell what her cries meant and we are quick to deal with her demands to avoid a war cry.
Like mother, like daughter... her sleeping habits are still pretty much the same, often catching power naps in the day, sleeping from 10 - 30 mins max each time especially on weekends. Erm...not too good though for a baby. Can't disregard that she does take at least once a day a nap of 1-2h on weekdays.
Watching her grow and reaching each milestone is a great achivement for both my hubby and me. We are amazed that Keziah can actually lift her head high up while she's lying on her tummy though she's struggling to make a flip still. Pity didn't have the camera handy to catch her first head lift as of yesterday. Yipeee to see her being able to lift her head up... but it worries us now that she is losing our favourite sleeping position for her (she used to be able to sleep for long hours on her tummy).

Tu tu zhui...

Isn't she CUTE in the BUMBO seat??
Hmm....she must be wondering what is this new thing that Daddy and Mummy have put her into.. the Bumbo seat to encourage her to sit upright with compliments from Uncle Ah Lian and Auntie Natalie and of course baby Cheryl. Erm..maybe abit early ya.. a few more weeks probably she will sit better.
understand you were looking for this or at least something similar.
there are different designs to choose from.
for me, what i did was, got an extra long piece of fabric, cut it to the length i want and got the edges sewed... and i have my own nursing shawl. :)
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