
A Quiet Weekend!

Last weekend was kind of quiet being the reason that Daddy, Mummy and Keziah were all sick and resting at home. Keziah is recovering well from her Fever, running nose and cough. Thank God for her speedy recovery. She has been rather sticky to us as she love being carried and cuddled by us.

A quite weekend at home. Or was it not?

We only managed to bring Keziah out to a playground in a nearby park. The playground was kind of sophisticated and it was only the bike ride that is more suitable for Keziah to play in. Well... I think she has to grow up more to better appriciate the bouncing bike ride as she can hardly hold the handle tight and her little legs are nowhere near the foot rest, which make the ride the more dangerous. But like always Daddy and Mummy will be there to make sure everything is in good order.

Some snap shots from the playground.