Look at her smile!

Heehee...trying to multitask...do a split and meddle with her toy

Oh, did I tell you that she can now stand pretty well on her two little feet even without support. She can cruise around by holding onto the furniture. It's also quite an interesting sight to see her turning around on her bums 360 degree.
After lunch, we went out to pick up some toys that Mommy and Daddy bought from another Mommy. Ooooo....
After that, we went to West Coast Park to have a walk. It was a really nice breezy afternoon and wasn't too hot and sunny.

A wonderful time taking the ride in the play ground. Just look at her waving to people around in excitement.

She certainly didn't want to get off the see-saw...

Oh the first few steps walking on the ground of a playground. The feeling was sure different from the marble floor at home.
We took a break at the MacDonalds. Keziah had to watch Mommy and Daddy eat as she still can't take fastfood for the time being. It was certainly fun but well, it can get rather frustrating watching others enjoy their food.

Finally a chance to catch a picture of her two lower front teeth. Ever since last December, Keziah hasn't grown any more teeth other than these two.
Ok, it's time for a ride back home....Oh did I tell you that she loves to read too!

And set up the toys...Juz look at her little self-contained home....juz short of a 'fence' to make it a 'private' property...

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