Just look at the amount of medication that Keziah got! Feeding her the medication was a big battle. Practically half of the medication went to waste during the struggle.
Looking at my friends' blog just reminded me of the little things that Keziah had already learnt. She is now an amateur walker, very keen to take risk to attempt to venture one stop to another on her feet without much support. Some time ago, she has also learnt to play peekaboo with us. She would take a cloth and raise it up and down and laugh with great excitement. She too has learnt to acknowledge when asked if she would like to do certain things, an indication to us with 'Umm' if she wants us to do something and if we got her request right. She knows how to put things into something for example, putting the toys into the toy basket when told. She also knows that a key opens a door and when you say the door is locked, she'll crawl to the end of the piano and hoist herself up to attempt to get the keys which are usually placed there.
Poor Keziah, that's alot of medication. :( Hope that she will get well soon.
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