Weekend is usually spent doing housework, which Keziah is actively participating. She was busy helping daddy sunning the laundry last weekend, taking the clothes from mummy at the door and passing to daddy who is sunning the laundry at the front.

Taking a well deserved water break.

Exploring her shadows.
We went to Heidi's Mei Mei First Birthday in the evening. Uncle Edwin is Daddy's Army friend and he has kindly invited the whole family to Bayshore Park for Heidi's birthday bash! Keziah was cranky at first as there were too many unfamilar faces, but once Keziah warmed up, it was a different story. The party was fun, just look at how Keziah enjoyed herself. She even allowed Uncle Ah Lian to carry her to look at Heidi's beautiful cake.

Keziah simply loves ballons. She'll always ask for a ballon whenever we visit Macdonald's. (There is where daddy brings Keziah when she wants a ballon.) Just look at her expression taking the ballons at Heidi's Birthday Party. She's happily holding to 2 ballons.

Sunday 24rd June 2007
We brought Keziah to Robinsons on Sunday after church. Lunch was enjoyable as we have not been to the soup restaurant for a while and Mummy enjoyed her lunch very much! Strangly, the second baby behaves rather differently from Keziah and mummy is having a much more difficult time. Keziah was all well behaved at the table (at least she allowed us to finish all the food that we ordered) though we had to have our hands on her cos she simply refused to sit in the high chair these days. Food, however, does keep her engaged. Daddy and Mummy allowed her a share of their food of sum sui chicken and fried mee sua after she finished her big serving of porridge. This girl can really eat!
After lunch we proceeded to Robsinson to do some shopping. Since it was the last day of the 20% storewide sale, Robinson was crowded. We managed to get all the things we wanted and poor daddy didn't managed to get anything. Both mummy and Keziah had things bought for them.
After a long nap, Keziah was allowed to roam the front wearing her favourite sandles. Look how she love running around in the front and playing hide and seek around the pillars.

You Hide?

I Seek?

Taking a short rest?

Posing for the camera.
Very good!You can do shopping!Ah,retail therapy does help a lot,for me at least!Take care of the your bump incase careless crowds cant tell you are preggers and go knocking into u.Some very inconsiderate people can continue bumping though it is painfully obvious one is preggers so be careful ya.I remember when i was 8 months preg with Ian,this boy abt 6-7 years came up to me,stared at my tummy for a while and used his fist and hit it.I shouted at the dad and he just said,'Sorry my son is autistic'So what can i say?Thankfully Ian turned out fine,no bruises,haha.Be careful babe!I must say again keziah is one pretty lady.:)
Hi Joan,
Eating is one of the ways that I derived pleasure from when I was having baby Sheri. Well, it's good that you can indulge yourself in food cravings in a food paradise like Singapore.Keziah is indeed a good helper for housework. How I wish Sheri can be like her helping mommy doing some housework. Take care!
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