Nei Nei and Tah Tah went over to Grand Uncle place to collect some toys for Little Keziah. They were all toys played by Keziah's Uncles while they were younger. There were books and toys but Nei Nei and Tah Tah only managed to bring back the playhouse. Daddy and Mummy have been contemplating buying one for Keziah but it was way too expensive. Mummy missed a good deal on the internet to get a second hand one at $60 but it was off color as the previous owner left it outdoors.
The fixing was easy as the instructions were very clear and Mummy and Daddy got to clear the playmat for the playhouse. Too bad it was missing a roof as Grand Uncle cannot seem to remember where he kept it.
Presenting....... drum roll.....
My new playhouse....Give Mummy or Daddy a call if you wanna drop by to play with me. I will be happy to have some company.
Guess Nei Nei and Tah Tah got to make another trip to bring back all the books and toys... Yippeee....!!!
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