Wow, what's all these?
First Dip in the Pool...
Nice and comfy for a rest...
Day 5
The dainty sleeper making his stretch...

Still jaundiced. Have to be sunned whenever we could, i.e. either the 8-10am or 5-6pm sun, so that his delicate skin won't burn...

Day 6
Sound asleep and finally a sweet smile from the little one....

Day 7
Still sleepy with a different pose. Oh yes, he loves to have his hands out for stretches and waves them all over...
Dearest Daddy with his two lovely little ones..
Day 8
Has he changed?
Day 9
Oh just look at his long sleek fingers and his nails are really long. Mommy has to trim his nails soon...
It's time for bath but he's still in dreamland...
Time to get talking...
Resting in his bouncer while Mommy starts her massage to ease some aches...
Day 10
Lovely Keziah doting her little brother and ever so happy to give didi a hug and a kiss...

Day 11 More awake after being a 'sleeping babe' for awhile. Actually for the past few days, Abel been really a lovely child in the day, sleeping after his feed for 2-3hrs at times but dear Mommy had a hard time in the night when he's either up every 2hr for feed or simply don't want to leave Mommy's bosom from 11pm - 3 am in the morning. It can be rather tiring when he's having a reversal of sleeping pattern.

Abel look like jie jie..
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