It's been a long while we haven't been to forum. Today Daddy and Mommy decided to take Keziah out for a little play indoor while the sun was blazing hot outside. Not sure if she remembered she was here a few months back, but she certainly enjoyed herself very much, riding the cars and even attempting a big bike which she saw other older kids riding and the activity area as well. One thing Daddy and Mommy noted: Keziah won't play an activity when there were rowdy kids around. She would rather stand and watch and quickly run over to it when the kids left. She sure didn't like the feeling of being threatened.

This is what you get when you ask Keziah to pose for a shot.


You want one?

This doesn't belong here...let's get it out...

I can climb out on my own...

Mommy, help! The bridge is rocking so badly and my feet are wobbling..

Here's Daddy and Abel watching on...
Srory to be off topic but where can I find besty resource on car insjury attorney?
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