Milestones Abel achieved just a little before 6 months..
He's on his fours and definitely making his away around quickly.

He's sitting up on his own too, started sitting on one side and then now he's able to manage to prop himself up.

He's doing his push ups, all ready for NS..haha...

Just look at him sitting up and reading his book....

Well actually messing around and probably the book is better in the mouth than in the hands...

Keziah started her new music class at Seimpi Music School on 5 July. We have heard so much about and decided to give her a change. She was actually very excited to attend the class. However, being an inquisitive 2 year old, she was more interested in the keyboards that were in the room than really doing what the teacher said. There were only 5 children in the class and it's definitely a better student ratio and more spacious than the one she attended previously. It's so interesting that the students get to engage in many different activities in the session: percussion play to beat and rhythm, finger puppet play, storytelling about the note values, flash cards on note values and beats, learning about the 7 letters on the piano keys (actually Mommy didn't realised it's simply A to G as she had always learnt it by rote) using ice cream sticks with the letters to match those to the keys in their keyboard activity book.
This is Keziah and her teacher, Siew Pei. Just look at her wandering around while the class sang to "Where is thumb king?" using the finger puppet provided. Somehow the other little children could sit down and listen to the teacher, while Keziah either wandered on her own or refused to respond when asked of eventhough now she could speak rather well in complete statements. Wonder if that's because she's younger than the rest.

After class, we went for tea at Coffee Club at Raffles City. How alike are the father and daughter in their grins!

Father, daughter and son....Cheeky Keziah pulling her brother's ear...

Abel certainly like to have some milk shake too..."Daddy, may I have some?"

"Hey Jie Jie is enjoying the drink. I would like some's cold.. "

Yes, it's TEA TIME...

A big kiss for Daddy...our smiley boy looked on...

We met some church kids for a play date. It was cookie making time. The little ones were busy getting their hands dirty.

So was Keziah. She was more interested in putting the decorative bits on rather than to knead the dough. Mommy had to do the job and cut the shapes out for her. However, her interest was shortlived and ended Mommy did most of the cookies...

Ice cream time for all..just look at how the other older ones were eating and chatting...Keziah was simply observing.. cream was really yummy ya!