Keziah's cough has been really persistent. It's been 2 weeks since the last time she came down with it and she's almost completing her medication. However, her cough and phelgm didn't seem any better. Mommy took her to the doctor again just to make sure she's on the right track. The doctor must be in a foul mood and Mommy was practically reprimanded for Keziah's condition. In fact, he even recommended keeping her away from school for 2 weeks as to him, it's just a vicious cycle whereby when Keziah's recovering since there was a day or two she was better before she started to cough badly at night again and threw up, and yet again hit by another virus again. Since it's more of a night cough, he suspected it was some form of allergy. But to what? We've been living in the same environment. Maybe we have to change her mattress and keep away her soft toys for now.
This time, she was given two inhalers, one a preventor and one to open up her airway to breathe and clear out the phelgm.

Ventolin inhaler to open up her airway.

This child mask for administering the medication.

How to do it....Looks as if she's having asthma which we hope not. Now it's simply being deligent in giving her the medication and hope it clears up quickly. Next week, we have to go back to review at the doctor again.
Thankful she wasn't very resistant to this form of medication and of course, she got other oral medication to go along. As the inhaler had to be given 4 times a day, the school will have to do it twice. Hopefully, they can manage to get the right dosage in the right manner to her.
U r not the only one who was being reprimanded when the kid's down. I used to get it too so often that I got fed up and switched to a lady PD who seems more sympathetic. Tell me, who wants the kid to be sick?! Crazy isn't it? We are already in such bad situation and the doctor had to rub salt into our wound!
The inhaler is very effective I must say, much more effective than oral medications and yet more mild and easier to managed than the neubrilizer. My son was down with very bad cough a few months back and we had to bring him along to a trip. The inhaler was a saver. And the best thing is it's very easy to administer and the kid takes it better than the neubrilizer.
Hang in there.
Oh I really hope the inhaler works. I am really sick of giving med to the kids. Prob the PD keeps seeing my girl then my boy every week or so and wonder why we are not following his instructions like keeping the kids apart, dun sleep in aircon room and we keep asking him how are they, what's the condition like etc etc....or prob why mommy still insist of going to work instead of taking care of this sick child to break the bug....Anyway now I have to just try out...waiting to hear from school if she's willing to take it when given by teachers...she also had to take flumucole and singular...
Hey Joan,
I think you should not send her to class and let her rest at home. She will get well sooner, and also not spread it to the other kids...she will be kept on the school's schedule and when she's sick, it's best she goes according to her own, sleep when she wants to, etc....
Shumei, I also want to but I've got not much help. Already put my son with my mum and she's already quite tired. Dun think she can handle another one. Now everyday I at work, also got people keep hurrying me home when I have office hours to keep. Not as if I do insurance or property with flexi time. Can u imagine the impression my bosses get? So stress!There's just tonnes to do at work and I'm always having to rush home or take half day coz of my poor kids....what a bad mommy!
Coincidentally my son was on singulair too, it worked well on him. I pray Keizah will recover very soon with the inhaler and singulair.
U r not a bad mom, don't say that about yourself. Your hands are all tied up already and yet you are still making every effort to do your best for your kids. You definitely deserve better. Hang in there!
Hey Joan,
Can your hubby help out? Hang in there, they will get better! *Hugz*
i can imagine your fatigue.It is very tiring,to have to run so many places and have so many concerns and worries...i think this is a teething period for you,an adjustment period upon returning to work..bear with it,i am sure things will settle a bit very soon!:)
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