Well it's another concert after the last one half a year ago. This time round they had a better auditorium and definitely more order. This time round, our little gal went up herself to perform on the tambourine. Mommy was so proud the night before that she could actually tap the tambourine to the rhythm of the sound "Play your sound" as she was never doing it right when in class. Keziah was also beaming when she saw how excited Mommy was over her achievement. An even bigger achievement was her going on the stage on her own! Our little girl has grown up.

This time round, only 4 out of the 6 from her class took part in the concert. Just look at the little ones so well dressed for the concert. Heehee....Keziah's looking so dainty and shy when holding Junxi's hand for the photoshoot after the finale.

Abel was all in awe looking at the little kids perform for the longest time. Not to mention his focus and ability to sit for quite a long while on his own watching the performance and clapping after each item with the crowd.
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