Mommy tried to follow the letters that Keziah's doing in school. L for ladybug and there we went, making ladybug, looking at its lifecycle through reading a book and doing some cut and paste. We tried hunting for ladybugs around the house and putting them in their colour pairs. We have a total of 30 ladybugs to catch. But things didn't quite persist for letter M, we just made a simple spider craft offhand, then it's letter N with a necklace, and O. We made an owl by assembling the different parts and adding its wings via handprint, making brown from red and green paint. Squeezing orange wasn't that quite easy but Keziah enjoyed her fruit of labour.

Keziah also started doing some mazes. Depending on days, she gets them right quickly or otherwise just going in circles.

wow!! I can see that your days are really fulfilling and you are so innovative!!!!
must get tips from you next time =)
keep the blog post coming!!
Oh please, these were done over weeks and not every day. It's was 3 min from the ladybug and things didn't quite turn out the way it should as Keziah wasn't quite focussed. Even her teachers at school also commented that she's now less focussed and enthusiastic in class. Wondering what went wrong with the equation. Geez...really staying home might be the most difficult job to do.
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