It's time to mess around again. Abel was taking an extremely long nap so Keziah got her hands on some glass paint and started on her Melody picture which has been sitting there for a long time since we got it from the block party weeks back. Looks like her fine motor skills are getting better with a good spread of colours without merging everything into one. Mommy only did minimal to guide her along.

When Abel was up, we started reading our Very Hungry Caterpillar Story and threading the food through the little manipulative that mommy made. We did a catepillar rhyme to remember the life cycle of the caterpillar which Mommy thought was rather cute.
Caterpillar Change
There was a little caterpillar crawling all about. (Walk with fingers on arm)
He worked and he worked without a doubt. (Wiggle fingers)
Wrapping himself in a snug cocoon.(Wrap other hand around fingers)
Waiting and waiting, will it be soon? (hold fingers)
Look, he's coming out, my oh my! (raise arms in excitement)
For now he's become a beautiful butterfly (Cross thumbs and flap hands like wings)
He worked and he worked without a doubt. (Wiggle fingers)
Wrapping himself in a snug cocoon.(Wrap other hand around fingers)
Waiting and waiting, will it be soon? (hold fingers)
Look, he's coming out, my oh my! (raise arms in excitement)
For now he's become a beautiful butterfly (Cross thumbs and flap hands like wings)
Keziah had some simple Math activity and maze worksheet to do with counting, addition and pattern. Ok, it will be some time before she knows what addition is all about.
Next, we got our hands messy with paint to create the trunk and foliage of our tree to follow up with the next story on the "Make an Apple Pie and See the World" in line with our letter for the week "T" as that's where we are going to get our apples from.

I think you are doing very very well as a SAHM!!!! K and A definitely enjoyed their time with you at home..
so going to be perm??? =)
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