For the week, Keziah and Abel have been attending a holiday class. It's Abel's first encounter in a big class setting and he was initially stuck like glue to Mommy and even started to cry when the welcome singing started. He must have been frightened by the noise level. Nonetheless, once he warmed up, he was fine and all over the place. The theme for Abel's class was fine feathered friends. Of course, he met with different kinds of birds. Everyday they got to do 2 art and craft pieces, stories, songs, play time and snacks. In this week, he picked up 2 letters: p (penguin, parrort, panda) and d (duck, dinosaurs, dog).

As part of the programme, the little ones visited the Jurong Bird Park. Frankly speaking, Mommy hasn't been there for ages and things have really changed. We had a great encounter with the parrots, lories and penguins, saw a whole lot of other birds at the Bird Show, and had our first ride on the Bird Park's monorail.

For Keziah, her class was up to Awakening the Puppet Master. Over the 5 days, she made 4 puppets which the kids took bits from them to make the magic potion to awaken the puppet master on day 5. It just so interesting to see the little ones put up the puppet show just that Mommy wasn't around to see it. Shu Shu had to accompany as Mommy was off for a church seminar.
how is bird park now????? i remembered it was quite bad some time ago......
is this the hol class at JG?? I think their hol class is quite fun.. but it's everyday!! got to salute you for the stamina!! =)
how are you feeling now??
Haha...u are so right!! Yupz fun but yes for that week I was totally knock out. Basically did nothing with them after the class aside from meeting friends to hang out...
I'm good so far aside from my funny tastebuds which I hope will return to right state soon..been feeling so bloated. Sure hope it's not heartburn at such early stage. But I'm seeing stretch mark! Arghhh..
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