Yes, we are into our 37th week of pregnancy. Baby's 3kg and a good size if she were to pop any time. Still Mommy's procrastinating from packing her hospital bag. Anyway, the body is already preparing for her arrival, with probably too much relaxin to loosen joints as baby heads down. The ever-expanding tummy puts ever-increasing stress on the bones, joints, and muscles in the pelvis and back, resulting to pelvic girdle pain. No choice Mommy has to just stay home and start her rest earlier than expected. This time round, we are diagnosed with GBS (Group B Strep) Infection. So it's a round of antibiotics and for the first time, the gynae told us that we have to have antibiotics administered during delivery.
Somehow a break from work just makes Mommy evermore lethargic and she's been sleeping almost the whole day the moment she hits the bed. Ooooo…..can sleep be accumulated to meet the days when baby arrives?
Exploring Our Children’s Potentials
2 years ago
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