It's been very tiring over the past few days eversince coming home with baby Keziah. During my 4D3N stay at the hospital, I thought she was such an angel, feeding only at 3 hrs intervals or so, giving me much rest. I thought it was not that tough afterall nursing the child. Yet my lovely angel turned devil the moment she is home and that's why I haven't been updating the past few days. It was like I wished for a moment of break from her crankiness and cry of which I know not what she wants at times. Changed diapers, fed, burped and still refused to sleep...ARghhhh... But I must say each day is a new learning experience for me. God made each day eventful and there was something that I really learn - patience, self-denial, tolerance as a couple.
Here's a long long recall of the events over the past days since home:
10 April 2006.
Uncle came to pick sleeping Keziah up from TMC. Keziah was still an angel with the angelic look and her pearly black eyes. Everything was fine initially... three hours feed...sleep.... and three hours feed... then the nightmare begins. Constant feeding on demand... how to gauage demand? by her thunderous cry. I think it's because of the lung strengthening injection she had previously during 34th week as the gyne was afraid that she will come out premature.. but thank God she didn't. She came out full term with a strengthen lungs... :)
She was feeding every hourly from he evening to the night.... feed... satisfied and then when we put her to sleep.... cry again... urgh!!! That was not what the Hospital taught us... the three hour a feed was the ideal case... urgh!! didn't read the fine lines in the parenthood manual.. (Hospital Warranty Void once baby is back at home)... thought the extra day stay at hospital would entitle me to the extended warranty but money was the main issue.
The after midnight craving of Keziah was normal with routine feed three hourly.... phew... that's a relieve... but our hopes were shortlifted....

Yippee... one day gone and we still are positive we made a right choice not employing a confinement lady... overcharged and underwork we so thought...
11 April 2006
Mummy was the so called confinement chef... I have with me my personal butler (my hubby) and I am now official cow of Keziah triggered by her cries... how our roles changed just when Keziah was born.
The cries of Keziah was still loud... demanding for food at odd hours... not giving us time to rest.... we started to get worried that she has not done "her business" yet... Eat checked! Sleep Checked! Shit??? Ooops.... we were constantly checking if she had pooed... and we even resorted to testing the pampers to see if they were working as the insturction described.
The night was a fairly easy surpising to us, she slept from 1am till 6am and feeding only in the morning which was good for us... we thought that was good.... but boy we were wrong.....
12 April 2006
Keziah was crying the whole morning... only stop when I was having my massage and slept through for 3 hrs in my brother-in-law's room

However, due to the fact that she slept so well yesterday night, she was extremely hungry when she woke up today... crying... and wanting for more... well the milk factory has to go into overtime to cater to her demanding needs.
We tried to give her a bath today... but from the start till the end, she's crying all the way... singing, talking and comforting her did not help as she seem stressed going into the water to have her first shower. Even crying when she's changing her dirty pampers... Well it's no longer a Thomson Angel but a Thomson Devil....
Princess Keziah deceided to fully test the efficency of her personal butler and her milk making machine by deceiding to activate both of us during the wee hours of the morning from 1am till 5am. Crying when she's hungry and when she's satified and it's about time to go back to the Cot, she started crying again.. demanding for more... Imagine the sight with two person with not enough sleep handling a demanding baby... how i wish there's a volume off button on her or there's a 30 days money back guarantee from the hospital...
One piece of advise... if you're thinking of saving by not employing a confinement lady... NO!!!! employ one.....
Having a baby... $2000
Confinement lady... $1800
Sleep... Priceless
13 April 2006
We were on standby today for her strange feeding habits but we were all worn out after a eventful day yesterday. When there's a chance to sleep.. we took it... you should see our tired face... but when you see the smile on Keziah face, everything's behind you... all your sleepless night, your eyebags... all forgotten.... how can you say NO to this pretty face....
Having a baby... $2000
Confinement lady... $1800
Keziah smile... Priceless
We were suspecting if Keziah was having a good time in Uncle's room as she spent more time sleeping in there than her bedroom... hmm... wondering what might be wrong... maybe it's the after effect smell of the massage session... We'll keep that in mind....
The midnight feeds were pretty the same as yesterday... nothing out of usuall only we are still tired.....
Finally found time and energy to have a picture with amazed, it's been 6 days since her birth before I took a picture with her!

14 April 2006
My milk finally came.. and I can proudly say I can pump 60ml of milk out from the breastpump... well how precious is everydrop and I can understand the motto of the blood bank... "Every drop counts"

Keziah today is more predictable and we are getting use to her feeding patern... Smiled alot more and even so when she's dozing off during her cute..

Got a Made in Japan Pampers from a friend... wow!!! I must tell you.. they differ from those from Thailand where you can normaly find in the supermarkets... The MIJ pampers are more secure and have better features... they may look the same.. but mind you... one can hold the poo and one cannot! So if you can find the MIJ ones, buy it... it has Aloe Vera for the comfort of the babies... and certainly better quality control.
Just got a green bean pillow from a friend suppose to smooth her during her sleep.. will try it out.. but so far it's working.... Keeping our fingers crossed for the night to come....