0330 Show - Went to the loo..lost my mucous plug which fell when I was peeing..bleed as if having period..put on pad and tried to sleep more coz not much of contractions.
0430 Felt that bleeding was quite severe and got clots. Woke hb..Called into TMC and decided to go in.
0500 Showered and took breakie
0600 Reached hospital and went to labour ward put on CTG and checked for dilation..cervix 3 cm dilated..given enema and cleared bowels b4 hb came in.
0800 Pushed into birth room and started to watch tv. Checked by gynae and ate breakie again.
0900 Gynae broke water bag. Contractions became more severe and tried using breathing techniques.
0930-1000 Cannot take it, used gas to relief pain. Still not effective. Nurse checked and already 6 cm dilated so only took a thigh jab. Can't even take epidural even if I wanted to.
1000-1133 Pain was mounting till I was practically screaming at the peak of each contraction. What seems like ages till finally hb called nurse and she said I was ready to push. Somehow I just didn't get the push right and it took what seemed like ages. Gynae came and dressed to deliver the child. Next I heard that the baby had crowned. Gynae administered episotomy and I was asked to push as if I was constipating. I simply was in so much pain that air was in the mouth rather than down at the diaphragm. Yet I must thank God finally after who knows how many pushes, my darling girl was finally out.
1133 The official arrival time of Keziah Siaw Yee Wei. The gynae lifted her up for me to see how big she was. I was super worn out by then. Whew!
Next thing I know was that I delivered the placenta. It was such a huge organ looking like a liver before I was stitched up.
Looking back I really appreciated by hubby for being so supportive during the labour when I nearly went alittle hysterical. Thankful also for the relatively quick labour.

She is so sweet! Congrats!!! :)
Congratulations girl! Woh! You did it without epidural! :) Glad that everything went ok and the baby is healthy :)
Thank you...heehee...guess was too late when I wanted epi to be administered. So how are you coping with your little one? All's well?
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