Been rather low the past 2 days over baby's wakefulness. Yesterday was the most horrendous afternoon. She practically fed from 11.30am to 11pm with hardly much break in between feeds. Wonder how much she can really eat. The only time I get to break was when she takes a 5-10min snooze either in the arms or in the cot before she started yelling again for milk. Her mouth was simply actively seeking the milk source. I was certainly exhausted and started to wonder if I really had enough milk. Was feeding and searching for the net for help. Apparently she could be undergoing a growth spurt which sometimes meant that babies will feed frequently especially for breastfed ones. Cluster feeding so called is common. Hopefully this is true. Last night I really couldn't take it and simply breastfed lying down and left baby to sleep beside me. Thank God she slept and only woke up at 5.30am for feed again. Thankfully hubby was also around to help soothe her or carry her while wailing so that I could take a toilet break.
Today really thank God. She seems to take on some routine with 2 afternoon naps, each 45 min and 30 min respectively. At least I get a break to rest as well. Thankfully for my mother in law, during dinner time she carried her to sleep again for another 50 min or so while I could enjoy my dinner with hubby for a change. Hardly had time to sit down with him after her birth over a meal. Heehee.... She was at least more rested and could actually play for 30 min or so with some sweet smiles and baby talks with her hanging pooh mobile and my hubby who was trying to stimulate her brain and visual development with some coloured cards. Here's some pics taken few days back when Keziah was a little more playful and cute..

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