Whew..time seems to past without much realisation. Baby Keziah is almost 8 weeks old. By right she should be getting into some form of routine but as usual things don't go as expected. Juz one moment in the morning she was enjoying her bath which is one of her favourite activity for the day, another moment she was wailing and poor mummy here doesn't know what she wants. Thought she's hungry, but she was so angry at the breast and keep refusing it. Thinking that she is sleepy, tried to carry, rock and sing her to sleep but to no avail. I must say she was tired and wanted to sleep but somehow something was disturbing her since she has already been up for 3-4 hours. So there I went trying to withstand the cries and continued to carry, rock and sing to settle her and for a moment it seemed like ages. This was especially so with a terrible aching hands which had been aggravated by the ravage of hormones causing carpal tunnel syndrome. She dozed off but was woken by her own shrill hicks as if short of breathe and sudden jerk of her head. She swallowed as if someone tried to drown her with loads of liquids. I was almost on the verge of tears. Thank God after a few of such scenerios and burps, she finally settled to rest and that's why I am here writing this blog. Hmm..my mother-in-law said it was due to her having a narrow windpipe and apparently the PD said during last visit 1 week plus ago that it's normal and babies will outgrow it. Sure hopes she outgrows it quickly. What a traumatic start of week.
On the happy note, sharing here some pictures of her bath. First bath pictures after such a long time with her posing nude. Ha ha...

Keziah's enjoying her bath

First 'RA' pose

Keziah's messing up again after Daddy cleans her

Keziah's finally sleeping after fussing for hours
Hey girl, for a baby Keziah's age, they should not be awake for more than 1 hour, incl. feeding time. Else, after that, they will get overtired and the brain will secrete some hormones to make them stay up, so they get even more tired and unable to sleep. 1 hour is a gauge, got to watch out for sleepiness signs like yawns, rubbing eyes, kicking, etc. Just some advice (maybe unsolicited :p) to help u not be so stressed up...
Thanks. Things are better now n I kinda know wat she wants. She can sleep 5-8h at night for a stretch n feed 2-3hly in day. Anyway, I thot they shld be up more often now to play? How u managed to put shawn back to sleep so quickly after feed? As usual I have to carry her to sleep. Still haven't manage to settle her in bed.
Actually I followed Shawn's sleepy signs, so I don't really go by the clock... and he's usually tired after an hour or so of up time. I guess it depends on the bb. :) Keziah seems to be doing well then, able to sleep for such a long stretch at night!
Can give me a run thru of how u put him to sleep? Hiaz my gal today awake since 0830 n onlt took a 30min nap at mid day. No matter how I carry also wont sleep. Bad habit of carrying..hands aching now..
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