
Drying cow...

It's the whole feeling of guilt now that I have to start supplementing. This "cow" has reached terminal capacity and somehow baby Keziah has to be supplemented with formula beginning tomorrow or latest Thursday. No matter how the milk supply hasn't shown increasing signs while Keziah's appetite grows. How I wished I had taken another 2 mths off to breastfeed her to reach the 6 mth mark! Maybe mummy's body is simply resisting the pump. With the erractic schedule of moving in and out of office, meetings, courses, there was simply no chance to extra pumping. Even if I did 3 pumps instead of 2, the total amt I got varied only by 20-30 ml. Just wonder how did working mums out there managed to maintain supply when they start work. Was I too tired/ lazy in the initial months and so the lacking in abundance of supply or simply as the lactation consultation says I simply didn't have enough tissue to hold more milk? Ha Ha...I might have lost weight too fast with me now back to pre-pregnancy state except for a little tummy poach. Insufficient FATS when I need them most!


Anonymous said...

It's alright. It's great that you have been able to breastfeed Keziah up till now. Actually, do you latch her on direct? or you pump only? Maybe you can try letting her latch direct more often, as baby's suckle tends to draw more milk from the mum than the pump, and will help to increase supply.

Joanie said...

Thanks..I latch her whenever I'm home with her. Somehow my supply juz simply resist increment. Not sure y. If I had not started work and simply latch, I'm sure she'll be satisfied. far she's been sleeping through from 9pm to 5-6 am after I latch her. Due to work, only can latch her once or twice on weekdays. Haven't tried supplements though to boost milk supply.

Anonymous said...

R you expressing milk at work? if a long period of time goes by between pumps, milk supply will decrease... last time, I have colleague who always 'disappear' from her work station cos she express v regularly at work, and I think she manages to feed her son until 9 months at least with ebm

Joanie said...

Gee...managing 2-3 times at work and can't keep disappearing. Sometimes got meeting can't express till 1ish pm after I cleared out at 5.30am in the morning. =S
Enjoy being's good to see how ur little one grows..