Mummy has been feeling frustrated since Daddy left overseas over ILs. Somehow living with IL does not make life any better, especially when MIL has priorities over other stuff. I simply just wonder how she raised her two sons. My first shocking thing came when I left Keziah to her on Monday for work. For the whole day, she only changed her diaper once and that's when she pooed. I guess she must have left Keziah in the exersaucer on her own for too long while she did her chores. Guess what! Now Keziah has a phobia going into it. She would frown and start to tear when you try to leave her in it. I kinda didn't feel safe leaving my girl with her too. I had to rush to shower my girl before I leave for work in the morning. Following Tue and Wed, things got better but I really wonder what she did when Keziah was asleep. Apparently, Keziah had been a really good girl, napping close to 2 hours in the afternoon. Milk bottles were just used and left on the table. Her bowl from lunch was simply soaked with water. It looked as if Keziah had turned her world upside down. Even if my FIL was in like today, the same thing happened and dinner was late. I was basically left with Keziah on my own when I hit home as they have other appointment to attend. What irked me most was her comments about the way I did things! Things like don't shower Keziah too late like 7pm. Well I would like to have her shower after a day roaming around and feeling all sticky. But hello....I work and what time do I get home? 6 plus in the evening.... Wish she puts her word to action rather than commenting.... 2 days I'm on leave to care for my gal. Think I rather do things on my own than being dependent on others!
Exploring Our Children’s Potentials
2 years ago
That's really irritating, I emphathise with you. I hate it too when my MIL imposed her own ways of doing things on me, but because I know she meant well, I also give in. Though I asked zhongjie to tell them that we have our ways of doing things and want to raise Ruixiang in our ways. :p Why don't you bring your girl to your mom's? How come she left Keziah in the exersaucer for so long???!! So must have cried and your mil just have ignored her. I just hate it when pple bully babies. :(
From my meetings with nannies, I know that no one else would do what the mother will do for her child... not even in laws.
Well I know she meant well, but u see if she can't help me and I FTWM, it's kinda hard to have the most idea of ways to raise the child. I don't mind u say and do something about it. There are things I will just follow but some things are just out of my means. Oh yes, I am put Keziah with my mum juz that she's away on holidays now. Can't deprived her of that as she has been taking care of her all the time. Guess also it somehow coincides with my busy period at work. Reports, workshops and more stuff to do every day but Thank God I am new and not as yet put to max capacity.
Hmm...actually my MIL didn't tell me that she left her there for long until I started looking puzzled when she told me Keziah didn't want to sit in the exersaucer. No idea how long she left her there coz she was hanging the laundry.
That's the thing when you are dependent on people to help out. Then again these folks should care for their grandchildren and teach them. Maybe modern grandparents are different.
So here I am on leave for 2 days to be with her. Most prob will take her out to shop down at orchard road later. Counting down to the end of my bond so I can consider staying home and raise my kids, that's provided Wencong can support us alone. Will be tough on him too.... Life is full of delimmas.
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