Since Daddy left for his work trip, Mummy and little Keziah have been rather lonely. Still we try to make the best of the time together. Keziah was certainly full of energy, enjoying her crawl and playing her toys. It was quite interesting looking at her lifting her butts real high in an effort to prop herself higher or sometimes just her way to sit herself up. She wasn't that simply satisfied with being on her fours alone. She would try to stand up with every opportunity that presented itself. That being said, she had quite a few little bums today, knocking her head into objects in her endeavour to stand or reach beyond her limits. Partly I guess it's due to her lack of nap. She was simply taking juz 30 min naps and refused to go back to sleep eventhough mummy tried to cuddle her back to sleep. A little grouchy in the afternoon and that's when she had the most 'accidents'. Well, after getting all the attention she wanted in soothing her, she was back to her playful self, giggling and beaming with smiles.
Oh yes! Her teeth is starting to show. Her bottom front pearls are just making their way through..

Guess Keziah's smiles really comforted mummy who has to do much on her own now that Daddy is away. It's just one day and Mummy is starting to feel the absence of Daddy.
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