
Walking on her own

Keziah's beginning to walk on her own without support. She would just raise herself up on her feet and take some careful steps. If you were to offer your hand to assist her, she would be practically dashing forward with all great excitement of this new found mode of movement.

Sadly, this weekend was quite uneventful with Keziah down with flu. This time she seemed to have really caught a bad bug. Despite the medication from the previous visit to the doctor, she didn't seem to make much good progress. On Saturday night, she was practically tossing around in bed, trying to get a comfortable position to breathe. Tonight, she seemed a little better. Still she was coughing quite badly to the extent of throwing out some milk. She must have really gotten alot of phelgm in her throat. She didn't really have much appetite either, taking less than the usual. Somehow I wonder if her condition gets worse in the air conditioned room as I noticed she was actually quite alright in the day. Well, guess it's to the doctor's again tomorrow.


iemuhs said...

Keziah is such a big baby! :)

Joanie said...

Erm...actually think she's on the average...
How heavy is Ruixiang? Think Keziah is about 9.5kg.