She certainly had great fun looking at them but still kept her distance away, especially the elephants though Daddy and Mommy it might be a fun encounter to feed the elephants. Keziah was simply clinging onto Daddy and won't stretch her hands out with the banana.
However, she sure enjoyed the polar bear, knocking at the glass, all engrossed with this huge creature which was enjoying its play in the waters while waiting for feeding time.
Our family shot!!!! This time with the zebra but as usual, it wasn't easy to get Keziah to smile when it's a stranger who is taking the shot.
Full of smiles and energy....
A big KISS for Mommy....'s time for home....Keziah just wanted to hold BOTH Daddy's and Mommy's hands as we walked out of the zoo..Well, Keziah was actually literally 'bouncing' home...Juz look at that cheeky satisfaction on her face...
Guess the weather must be too warm yesterday. Keziah was down with mild fever today though she was still her usual bubbly happy self.
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