This of coz is a contrast when we went for housewarming at Uncle Vincent's and Auntie San's place the next day. Their place was nicely done up and Daddy and Mommy sure picked up some tips or two for renovation. We found out too Auntie San's great artistic talents. Wonder if she would do some painting for ke ke....Their pool was nice and Keziah was all fascinated with the water fountain features that was in placed. We really had to keep our eyes on her if not she would have dived in! They even had this little indoor playroom for kids next to the function room. Just look at the excitement on her face as she went round climbing the slides and roaming the playhouse with little Cheryl jie jie...Hmm...Lucas kor kor was too busy 'entertaining' guests to be around here with the gals.
Whatever it is, it's being happy with what you have right? Smiles....
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