Keziah has progressed to learning to climb down the steps the right way, i.e. legs first follow by lowering her butts before the rest of the body rather than the usual head first manner when she is on her fours. Looks like she is conscious of playing safe before taking a step. Much to the development of Keziah's motor skills, she is simply reluctant to hold her mag mag cup or feed herself. Tried giving her biscuits for her to mess around and hold, hoping that she would self-feed. Nonetheless, she did it once or twice, with some difficulty in getting the food into her mouth probably due to the fact that she can't seem to release her grib eventhough her hand is already at her mouth. Hmm...she isn't very interested in holding her straw cup for a drink either. She would rather Mommy just feed her...
Just over the weekend, she was calling 'Da da' so loud and clear. Even before her bedtime and when Daddy wasn't back yet, she would resoundingly call out that. We are still figuring out if she was really calling that out discriminately, knowing that 'Da da' meant 'Daddy'.
Her first birthday is also just round the corner. Mommy and Daddy have just sent out e-invites to some relatives and friends. We are not planning to making it big, just some immediate family and some friends. Still looking out for her birthday cake and waiting for replies. We are holding it on Good Friday weekend since coincidentally, her birthday falls on the Saturday as well! Hope people are not getting away for a long weekend ya! Hee hee...
Exploring Our Children’s Potentials
2 years ago
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